Ed Note:  Today the group read the children’s book Something Beautiful by Sharon Dennis Wyeth.  They then wrote a story about something beautiful.

The most beautiful thing I can think of is hope.  Hope that spring will soon come, even though the wind is blowing, a gale and snow is falling so fast and heavy that the world seems to be hidden by a thick, white curtain. Hope that every child has the opportunity to grow up strong and healthy, that he or she will get an education that will take him or her as far as each person can go in life.  There is hope in a doctor’s eyes when she tells a patient “Your tumor is benign and you can look forward to a long and healthy lift.”  I feel hope knowing the pain I feel at the loss of a loved one will eventually fade and I’ll find a reason to smile again.  When hard times befall me, I cling to the hope that better days will follow just as sunshine always follows the rain and sometimes brings a beautiful rainbow.  Hope is the cement that can hold a person together when misfortune tries to rear her apart.  May there always be hope in this uncertain and unpredictable world.  – Laura

When I was little Mom told me to go to the store and pick up this dress in the way back of the store.  That dress was beautiful yellow and it had white flowers on it.  Love you Mom.  Thanks for the more.  I remember when I was 5 years old dad and me went shopping for shoes.  We lived in Skowhegan, my home town.  We went to the mall.  At the store and we did not find it so we went home.  At Sears to find me a pair of shoes that were black with a little flower on them.  I wore them for Easter Sunday morning.
